When you want to share a photo or gallery with friends, family, or even on the entire internet, an image hosting site is the best way to upload, store, and share your files. However, there are many image hosting sites, all with different features, some are free and some are paid, with free ones there is a risk of security and with paid ones, the problem is you have to pay money monthly. In this article, we will be hosting our images on good old trustable Google Drive.


Step 1: Open Google drive and get the link of the image.

First, log into your Google account and open Google Drive. Navigate to the image you want to host

google drive

As an eg. I will be hosting my Instagram post 2.png which is stored on my google drive.

PS: if you want to learn more about web development consider following my Instagram @_webdrip

Step 2: Get the sharable link

Right-click on the image you want to host, and click on 'Get Link'.


Change the 'Restricted' option to 'Anyone with link'.


Step 3: Copy the link

Copy the link by clicking 'Copy Link' button or by selecting the link and pressing 'CTRL + C' on your keyboard

copy link

Step 4: Go to hostdriveimage.pages.dev

Now go to this website https://hostdriveimage.pages.dev/ and paste the image link that you have copied from the drive and click on the 'generate' button.


Step 5: Check if it is working

Voila! if you have followed the steps properly your image will be hosted and will be live to be shared on the internet or with your friends.

final link

To check the image I have hosted click on this link: https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1MVHhp5WBHwhR1k-S0V52lajFs3Q4GPaa

hosted image

If you any doubts feel free to comment down below, would love to help you.

PS: All the images on my blog are hosted on google drive.

author image

Narottam Sahu

I'm a self-taught web developer. Other than coding, I enjoy networking with like minded people, drawing, and playing guitar in my spare time

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